Who spends more money: men or women?

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So, this is the final post, unfortunately. This was a really good journey, but it is the end and we will analyze to understand if the stereotype about women spending more money than men is actually true. Also, through the last posts, we saw that women are better investors and they are the ones who save more money. On the other hand, men take more risks when the subject is investment and they save less if we compare the percentage of their salary to the women

First of all, Creditnet says that “while women do spend more money in certain areas of the economy, it appears that men are spending more money annually on aggregate”. Its conclusion means that a woman may spend a large amount of money with beauty products or with shoes, but these expenses contribute to some economic sectors, not all of them. On the contrary, men spend more on the overall. Moreover, Business Insider has the same perspective as Creditnet. Its article says that “there are a few categories where women spend more than men: clothes, for example, and personal care.”

Image result for men vs women

Second, according to Moneyning, women have been taught to purchase for lifestyle and children, while men have been taught to invest in items that hold value.” I would completely agree with the statement if it was made a long time ago. It may apply to past generations, but today I do not see it. I was never “taught” to purchase for lifestyle or children. Actually, I was taught to invest, which I am failing to do it. The point is, in my opinion, that mothers are telling their daughters to invest and not the other way around. Maybe there are some isolated cases that Moneyning statement prevails, but it is not the majority. 

Finally, I “interview” some colleagues and asked them who they thought spent more: men or women. I only got two answers: 1 – women spend more; 2 – it depends. Nobody said, “men spend more”. My role here is not say who is right or wrong because I do not know the answer. This is not a simple matter to analyze because there are a lot of variables involved. I don’t even have an opinion about this. The only thing I can say is: it always depends. We cannot generalize things. There are articles that affirm that women spend more, and there are also articles that say that men spend more. Each one of them is presenting their analysis about this subject. Their survey showed that result, but it does not mean that it applies to every single person in the Globe. Which one is correct? We do not know. After all, not every question needs to be answered. 

Remember this: Don’t live up to your stereotypes

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